A Warm Welcome from the Rocky Hill Civic Association

The Rocky Hill Civic Association ("RHCA") welcomes you to its web site and Civic Association.  This volunteer organization began over 85 years ago.  In 2011, we marked our 45th anniversary since becoming incorporated as a local Civic Association.  Today, we continue to work to enhance the quality of life for over one thousand households comprising our local Civic Association.  This includes the neighborhood from Braddock Avenue to Union Turnpike (in the north) and from Stronghurst Avenue to Winchester Boulevard.

Our primary mission is to help residents effectively resolve homeowner problems by directing their concerns to the proper government agencies or other oganizations.  We are dedicated to including the entire community and its varied resources to maintain a secure, safe and attractive neighborhood that continues to grow in value.

Membership Meetings are held at Public School 18, located at 86-35 235th Court, directly off from Hillside Avenue. 

Meetings are held  on the second Tuesday of the following months, except if there is a holiday or there are severe weather conditions: September, October, November, December, March, April, May and June. 
The Board Meetings are always held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm, two weeks prior to membership meetings. 

Attend a meeting and pehaps become a volunteer.  You can make a difference in your neighborhood. You can join the RHCA Hospitality Committee, the Beautification Program or be a Block Captain. Click on "Contact Information" located in the Main Menu above or 
click here to send us an email message.

Did you know that the RHCA sends out an email blast of important notifications and alerts that happen between newsletters? Sign up here with your name and email address to be a part of it!

Visit us at https://Facebook.com/RockyHillCivicAssociation

Visit our "Around Queens" and "Useful Sites" web pages in the Main Menu for links to local, city, state and national government sites, zip code look-up and emergency numbers.  In "Around Queens" there are links to new restaurants, parks, cultural events, Belmont Race Track and interesting places for both families and individuals to visit.  
The Rocky Hill Civic Association is a membership organization and dependent upon your dues.  Annual dues are only $20.00 and may be mailed to the following address (checks payable to the Rocky Hill Civic Association):

Deneille Loprete
82-46 234th Street
Bellerose Manor, NY 11427

 You can also pay by credit card, PayPal, or Venmo by clicking on the button below.
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